perjantai 10. helmikuuta 2012

Action plan.

When most of my fellow volunteers started getting anxious about their future in the beginning of December I felt comfortably confident. "I'm lucky to have a plan: next year I'll be back in Helsinki, finishing my bachelor's and then continuing to master's, probably applying to exchange programmes to spend a year abroad." At least so I thought.

Gradually I started discovering different details about conflict studies. I hosted a group that aims in interfaith dialogue and social change. I met people from different universities and denominations.

And then Cambridge happened.

Suddenly I got all these questions in my head. Do I really want to study in order to be ordained? How can I combine theology to the conflict studies? Could I write my thesis about forgiveness? Or about community? Or about disability? Where's the theologyin these topics? Should I go and do my master's abroad after all? Apply to Irish School of Ecumenics and study conflict resolution and reconciliation or interfaith theology? Or to Bradford, abandon theology and concentrate on peace studies? Or should I apply to Oxford for a two-year master's programme in theology? Or to Cambridge where the degree only takes a year? Would the prestigious university with its' supervisions and tutorials offer me a brilliant possibility to find the theology in forgiveness?

And it all started to be a little too overwhelming.
So I did what I always do: an action plan.

Whom to email, whom to call.
What do I want to ask.

2 kommenttia:

Kaisa kirjoitti...

Hui, suuria ajatuksia. :) <3

neitinomad kirjoitti...

Kaisa, todellakin! Nyt täytyy vain ottaa härkää sarvista ja ruveta selvittämään asioiden tolaa. Tällä hetkellä yksi kompastuskivi on se, että oon yliopistosta poissaolevana, joten en saa opintorekisteriotetta tilattua (ehkä huhtikuussa kun oon fyysisesti Suomessa, vois käydä ihan tiskiltä kysymässä) ja siten taas en saa selvitettyä, että mitkä arvosanat kaipaa kohennusta...